Category Archives: Guest Post


Bienvenido!  to another interactive guest post; this one in Spanish from our friend Fernando Nieri!

In our continuing efforts to connect the many cultures and languages in Austin, we invite Austinites who’re native speakers of  French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese to share an idea, a place, an art, a product – or anything of particular interest to them – in writing in their native language.   In the Freestyle way, we invite all (both our students & readers of the larger ATX community and beyond) to interact w/us here. We won’t grade you too harshly if your answers are in English…and who knows? there may be a prize for those in Spanish Voila!  magnífico! 

We’re thrilled to put a spotlight on our long-time amigo Fernando Neiri, a model, health enthusiast and Austin business owner ‘extraordinario’!

Fernando also owns the award-winning creative studio 'Notices'

      Fernando also owns the award-winning creative studio ‘Zoticus’

Read about Fernando, one of his favorite recipes and how to make it  – all in Spanish!

Mi nombre es Fernando Nieri y nací en Lima, Perú. En enero del 2000 decidí venir a Austin a estudiar Inglés para luego ir a la universidad y obtener mi maestría. Dentro de mis pasatiempos favoritos están pasar tiempo con mi familia y amigos, cocinar, hacer ejercicios y viajar.

Hace tres años decidí matricularme en clases de Crossfit. Fue ahí cuando aprendí sobre la alimentación Paleo. Como uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos es cocinar, empecé a modificar mis recetas para convertirlas en paleo. Empezó como un pasatiempo pero hoy en día es mi manera de cocinar. Desde que empecé a comer solo frutas, verduras y carnes (de animales al pastoreo) he visto un gran beneficio en mi vida.

Estoy seguro que si deseas darle una oportunidad a la alimentación paleo encontrarás muchos beneficios. Es por eso que con mucho gusto los invito a probar esta receta de panqueques hecha con ingredientes naturales y considerados paleo. Espero que la disfruten!

If you’re interested in learning more about Fernando’s creative studio ‘Zoticus‘ you can contact him at


Panqueque Paleo

     Panqueque Paleo

Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 10-15 minutos
Sirve: 8 panqueques


  • 3 plátanos
  • 2 huevos
  • 3 cucharadas de harina de coco
  • 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
  • ¼ cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio
  • ¼ taza de leche de almendras
  • Canela al gusto


  1. Agregar los plátanos en un procesador de alimentos y hacerlo puré.
  2. Añadir los huevos y mezclar.
  3. Añadir la harina, extracto de vainilla, bicarbonato de sodio, canela y mezclar.
  4. Añadir la leche de almendras.
  5. Caliente una sartén grande a fuego medio. Una vez que la sartén está caliente, añada de 2-3 cucharadas de la mezcla en la sartén. Cada uno de los panqueques serán de aproximadamente 3 pulgadas de diámetro. Cocine ambos lados del panqueque.
  6. Una vez que los panqueques estén hechos, sirva de 3 a 4 panqueques por persona y vierta la compota de fruta sobre los panqueques.


Opción 1: Compota de Bayas

  • 4 Fresas
  • 5 Frambuesas
  • ½ taza de arándanos azules


Coloque las bayas en una cazuela pequeña sobre calor medio alto. Una vez que las bayas surtidas comienzan a ablandar, añada 1 cucharada de miel y triture las bayas con una espátula. Retire las bayas del fuego y deje reposar por 5 minutos antes de servir.

Opción 2: Compota de Manzana y Durazno

  • 2 manzanas
  • 1 durazno


Corte las manzanas y el durazno en pedacitos pequeños. Colóquelos en una cazuela pequeña sobre calor medio alto. Agregue 3 cucharadas de agua. Triture y mezcle con una espátula. Retire la compota del fuego y deje reposar por 5 minutos antes de servir.

¡Delicioso! Now it’s your turn…answer these in the comments below.  Correct Spanish could get you a sweeeet Freestyle discount…!

  1. Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito (/preferido)?
  2. Qué puedes comer si quieres seguir una dieta paleo?
  3. De qué consisten las dos compotas?

And don’t forget to join us for our Open House, Friday, Aug. 28th 6pm-8pm 801 Rio Grande St. Austin, TX 78701. Meet our team of teachers and register for the fall session (9/8-11/24) with a great deal and fun free swag!  Our  proven language model and methodology is not only effective it’s fun. We pride ourselves on our pedagogy & 2nd language acquisition skills as well as on the connections made in our language learning community. Language is 100% about connecting people!

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Polyglot Austin: Our Multilingual, Multicultural City!

Bem-vindos! to another interactive guest post; this one in Portuguese from Boteco ATX, the latest & greatest Austin Food-truck!

In our efforts to connect the many cultures and languages in Austin, we invite Austinites who’re native speakers of  French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese to share an idea, a place, an art, a product – or anything of particular interest to them – in writing in their native language.   In the Freestyle way, we invite all (both our students & readers of the larger ATX community and beyond) to interact w/us here. We won’t grade you too harshly if your answers are in English…and who knows? there may be a prize for those in Portuguese!  Voila!  magnífico! 

We’re thrilled to put a spotlight on our new friends in the incredibly dynamic Brazilian community of Atx –  Fernando and Lauren Marri, owners of the new Brazilian food truck Boteco  which specializes in Brazilian street food located in Austin, TX.

What is a Boteco? A boteco is a local neighborhood joint that you go to for delicious food, drinks & conversation. Simple in nature, yet essentially Brazilian.

Boteco supports our community by cooking with eco-friendly, local ingredients as much as possible.  They'll also feature a variety of vegetarian & gluten-free options!

Boteco supports our community by cooking with eco-friendly, local ingredients as much as possible. They’ll also feature a variety of vegetarian & gluten-free options!

And when you meet them here and in person, you will see why the lines will be lo000ng at this food truck…

Read about this couple, one of their favorite recipes and how to make it  – all in Portuguese. boa sorte!

Queridos estudantes, O meu nome é Fernando Marri. Sou Brasileiro, nascido e criado em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – terra da boa e velha comida mineira. Sempre fui fascinado por gastronomia, principalmente a culinária mineira que historicamente descreve a história do Brasil. Me mudei para Austin um ano e meio atrás. A cidade me encanta pela sua energia, musicalidade e diversidade. Sou o chefe e dono do Boteco Food Truck, especializado em comida brasileira. Gostaria dividir uma receita simples e fácil com vocês



O brigadeiro é um doce brasileiro, criado na década de 1940 em homenagem ao Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes, candidato à presidência da república. Foram feitas festas para promover a candidatura, onde foram servidos os docinhos do Brigadeiro. Assim for adotado o nome brigadeiro para o docinho.
1 lata de leite condensado
1 colher de sopa de margarina
4 colheres de sopa de chocolate em pó
chocolate granulado
Modo de Preparo:
1. Coloque em uma panela o leite condensado, a margarina e o chocolate em pó.
2. Cozinhe em fogo médio e mexa sem parar com uma colher.
3. Cozinhe até que o brigadeiro comece a desgrudar da panela.
4. Deixe esfriar bem, então unte as mãos com margarina, faça as bolinhas e envolva-as em chocolate granulado.
5. Bom apetite!
Voila! now it’s your turn…answer these in the comments below.  Correct Portuguese could get you a sweeeet Freestyle discount…!

1. Quando é que Fernando veio para Austin?

2. Porque o doce se chama “brigadeiro?”

3. O brigadeiro tem que forma (shape)?

We can’t wait to join in the Boteco launch celebration in February!  While the food-truck is still in the construction phase, their delicious food is available for delivery or pick-up in the Austin area. Items can be ordered frozen or freshly fried. Place your order today – for typical Brazilian fare such as Pastel, Coxinha & Pão de Queijo!  

Contact for more information.  Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!

And don’t forget to come try a class for free at Freestyle. Our  proven language model and methodology is not only effective it’s fun. We pride ourselves on our pedagogy & 2nd language acquisition skills as well as on the connections made in our language learning community. Language is 100% about connecting people!
The Freestyle Way - using language in context, having fun doing it!

The Freestyle Way – using language in context, having fun doing it!

Did you know we have a NEW class “Portuguese for Spanish Speakers”?  Starting Winter 2015.  To meet our teachers and learn more about it and our other Portuguese, French, Spanish or Italian classes, RSVP to our Open House,  Fri, Jan. 9th, 6-8pm.   Merci! Obrigado,  Vemo-nos!
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Polyglot Austin: Our Multilingual, Multicultural City!

Benvenuto to our first interactive guest post w/Daniela from Andiamo!

We invite Austinites who’re native speakers of  French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese to share an idea, a place, an art, a product – or basically anything of particular interest to them – in writing in their native language.   In the Freestyle way, we hope y’all, meaning both our students & readers of the larger ATX community and beyond, will interact w/us here!  Voila! magnifico! 

In this first guest post, we’re thrilled to feature our dear Italian friend and admired restaurateur Daniela Marcone, owner of the renowned Andiamo.




Andiamo, frequently appears in the “Best of ” Lists, but nowhere else can you get Daniela’s recipes and tips in Italian!

Read about Daniela,  one of her favorite recipes and how to make it in Italian. Buona fortuna!

Salve a tutti,
il mio nome e’ Daniela Marcone
sono nata e cresciuta in Italia, a Napoli, citta del sole e del mare.
Mi sono trasferita qui ad Austin nel 2005.
Mi piace Austin perche’ e’ una citta molto verde, e con tanta gente giovane.
Mi piace passeggiare per il centro e vedere la natura attorno, trascorrere del tempo a conattato con gli animali e aiutare le persone meno fortunate di me.
Nel 2000 sono diventata proprietaria del Ristorante Andiamo in nord Austin e dall’ora in poi mi occupo di mangiare e contatto al pubblico.
E’ un lavoro che mi stimola sia intellettualmente che socialmente e mi piace molto.
La parte culinaria e’ la piu semplice e mi piacerebbe condividere una ricetta con voi.
Un inslata che chiamiamo Insalata Innamorata
Insalata fresca a vostra scelta, romana, lattuga etc
formaggio di capra
aceto e olio
sale pepe
Lavare l’insalata e tagliarla in pezzetti piccoli
Sbucciare le mandorle e tritarle
Tagliare le fragole in fette sottili
Mischiare il tutto
e condire con, sale, olio, pepe e aceto con  il formaggio di capra in cima a tutto.
Eccellente!   One great thing about a blog is that it can be read at your own rhythm…need time to go grab that vino before continuing?  Now you’re speaking our language!
 è il tuo turno :  as a simple comprehension check and as a way to practice writing, simply  answer the questions below in italiano in our comments section. Or ask us anything – don’t understand something in here? have another question?…teachers will respond!
1) Che cosa fa Daniela ad Austin?
2) Quale potrebbe essere una variazione di frutta per questa ricetta se uno e’ allergico alle fragole o se a uno non piacciono le fragole?
3) Qual’e’ la vostra ricetta preferita?

Did you know?  Andiamo hosts monthly wine dinners? Experience four-course authentic Italian meals paired with amazing Italian wines. October’s dinner will be hosted by Paolo Bernardi.  Not only is Paolo the President and Importer for VinUS, but he is the man behind all of Andiamo’s Italian wines.   RSVP here on FB , or email or call 512-719-3377 to reserve your spot.


To practice more Italian,  particularly listening comprehension, tune into our video-interview of Daniela in our previous blog entry  , don’t miss Dolce Neve while you’re perusing our collection, AND stay tuned for the dashing, charming Alex of Cotone in our next video-blog (vlog)!

For continual practice (if you’re in Austin…) join us and experience our innovative curriculum, proven  methodology. Try a free class.  Our next session starts Oct. 27th!  Learn more

Grazie a tutti – specialmente Daniela Marcone !  Via these guest posts, we aspire to continually create new & authentic material through which we build language proficiency while we connect Austinites in a language-learning community.  Interested yourself?  Have recommendations or know somebody you’d like to see featured in a guest post?  Please let us know.  Arrivederci !

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